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Parks & Recreation 03.02.09 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of March 2, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Prisco (MP), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Lisa Dickey (LD)

6:11pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin

Audience of Citizens:
No Audience

Acceptance of Minutes for 2/23/09 meeting
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on February 23, 2009 as is.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  4            Opposed: 0              Abstained: 1*
Motion passed                                           *Rita Mullin had to leave room

New Business
Advertisement in Recreation Brochures (LC)
Lynne updated the committee on her idea of offering advertisement in her seasonal brochures and a community calendar.  She will offer 4 different sizes with pricing. The first set of advertisements will be offered in the spring brochure.

Turf Field Warrant Article (RM)
The warrant article will be presented to the BOS this evening in a PowerPoint presentation. The committee is waiting to hear from the school committee to see if they will turn over jurisdiction of the high school field to the P&R committee before process can proceed.

Review 2008 goals and discuss 2009 goals-All
Committee reviewed 2207 and 2008 goals and began discussing 2009 goals.
#1  Preserve and maintain the quality of our Parks and Recreation programs.
#2 Community center starting in incremental stages
#3 Continue developing the Wheeler Property in various stages.
#4 KidSpot Renovations
#5 IRP Bathrooms-submit plans/break ground and a maintenance plan
#6 Mullin Field Expansion w/ $50k Gift monies
#7 Volleyball court at IRP
#8 Turf Committee artificial Turf Project

Page 2- Goals continued
#9 Fundraising efforts toward expansion of Wheeler Property
#10 Outdoor” Fake Ice: At IRP
#11 Youth Multi-sport Event Day or festival
#12 Technology Expansion upgrades
#13 Department to be self sufficient
#14 Expansion of Wheeler House
#15 Acquire 1 Central St, NR

Old Business
Renovation at the Wheeler House-(MT)
The Wheeler renovations are well under way.  Just received the first electrical bill it was a bit high.

Update on IRP Bathrooms- (SC)
Table until next meeting

Status of committee members-(SS)
Table until next meeting

LUC Update (RM)
Table until next meeting

Other Business
Building addition at the Wheeler property- (SC)
Table until next meeting

Wine and Food Social Purpose- (SS)
Table until next meeting

(MP)   a motion was made by Mike Prisco for the Committee to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm.
(MF)    Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.